Welcome! My name is Jenna Green, I’m a 30 something woman living outside of Boston with my husband and our rescue dog, Dixie. I’m an auntie extraordinaire, dog lover, caffeine addict, fashion fanatic, social media marketer, business coach, and (mostly) optimist.
Pink is my favorite color, I love unicorns, I don’t think that there is such a thing as too much glitter, and I’m certain that growing up is overrated. My motto is “life’s hard, find joy anyway.’’
My goal with this blog, my community groups, and in general is to go through life’s challenges with grit and perseverance while giving ourselves (and others) grace and understanding. We each determine our definitions of success, and we encourage each other along the way.
Oh, and did I mention that I have Multiple Sclerosis?
Well, yeah. Thanks?
Being chronically ill doesn’t define who I am. And I’m lucky that it also doesn’t define how I look…yet. But that doesn’t mean that I’m any less ill because I “look so good”. I’m “lucky” that I am still cute (who said sick and cute can’t go together?!), but I am also “lucky” to get the judgy stares when I use handicapped assistance at the airport. I hear the annoyed mumbling when I walk slowly in a crowd. I see the looks when I utilize a scooter. When my feet move constantly from the Dystonia my MS has caused. I don’t let it phase me (mostly)… you know, life’s hard, find joy anyway.
So why do I continue to share? Because not everyone can/will/feels comfortable. Because I know that too many of my chronically badass friends with invisible illnesses aren’t believed by strangers, friends, and even family.
Because I have a voice, and if I don’t use it to help educate people and remind them that you do NOT know what someone is going through, then I’m certainly not going to make a difference. Whatever your circumstances are, whatever you’re going through, please know that I BELIEVE you.